ID 25189947UpdatedEspaço 7 Rios
Rua de Campolide
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- Size
35 - 6,083 m² (approx. 3 - 608 desks)
- Availability
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The 7 Rios Space is located on Campolide Street, in the heart of the Sete Rios area.
This completely renovated space has approximately 12,600sqm, divided into two floors, and will feature the supermarket chain Mercadona on the ground floor. It consists of commercial spaces and offices ranging from 35sqm to 2800sqm. In the area, you will find a wide variety of hotels, clinics, as well as headquarters of some companies.
The space is privileged for its excellent location, with the Jardim Zoológico (Zoo) just a few meters away, a good network of public transportation, such as the Sete Rios bus and train station, as well as the metro.
Spaces available
Fernando Marques